Class TextPElement

    • Field Detail


        public static final OdfName ELEMENT_NAME
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextPElement

        public TextPElement​(OdfFileDom ownerDoc)
        Create the instance of TextPElement
        ownerDoc - The type is OdfFileDom
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public void accept​(ElementVisitor visitor)
        Accept an visitor instance to allow the visitor to do some operations. Refer to visitor design pattern to get a better understanding.
        accept in class OdfElement
        visitor - an instance of DefaultElementVisitor
      • newTextNode

        public void newTextNode​(String content)
        Add text content. Only elements which are allowed to have text content offer this method.
      • setTextContent

        public void setTextContent​(String content)
        Replaces all content with given text content. Only elements which are allowed to have text content offer this method.
        Specified by:
        setTextContent in interface Node
        setTextContent in class ParentNode
        new - text content to replace the existing children (or removes all if null)
      • split

        public OdfElement split​(int posStart)
        Splitting the element at the given position into two halves

        If the paragraph does have an automatic style with a master-page, which results into a page break before the paragraph, this page break will be removed for the new second half. For paragraph containing template styles the follow-up style should be chosen.

        split in class OdfElement
        posStart - The logical position of the first character (or other paragraph child component) that will be moved to the beginning of the new paragraph.
        the new created second text container