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package org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg;

import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.OdfPackage.OdfFile;

 * This class is used for validation of the ODF Package. It contains the constraint messages are
 * taken from the OASIS ODF 1.2 part 3, the ODF package specification. These messages are used by
 * the <code>ValidationException</code> for ODF validation. The validation is enabled, when an
 * <code>ErrorHandler</code> was provided to the <code>OdfPackage</code>.
public enum OdfPackageConstraint implements ValidationConstraint {
  // The first parameter is ALWAYS the source path. The OdfValidationException adds a preceding
  // whitespace in case the source is not null.

  /** In case a ZIP entry is using neither STORED and DEFLATED as compression method. */
      "The compression method of the ZIP entry '%2$s' is not allowed within the%1$s ODF package file!"),
  /** The ODF package shall contain the \"/META-INF/manifest.xml\" file. */
      "The ODF package%1$s shall contain the '" + OdfFile.MANIFEST.getPath() + "' file!"),
   * A directory is not a sub-document and should not be listed in the \"/META-INF/manifest.xml\"
   * file of ODF package.
      "The directory '%2$s' is not a sub-document and should not be listed in the '"
          + OdfFile.MANIFEST.getPath()
          + "' file of ODF package%1$s!"),
   * A directory is a document and should be listed in the \"/META-INF/manifest.xml\" file of ODF
   * package.
      "The directory of the sub-document '%2$s' should be listed in the '"
          + OdfFile.MANIFEST.getPath()
          + "' file of ODF package%1$s!"),
   * A file shall not be listed in the \"/META-INF/manifest.xml\" file as it does not exist in the
   * ODF package.
      "The file '%2$s' shall not be listed in the '"
          + OdfFile.MANIFEST.getPath()
          + "' file as it does not exist in the ODF package%1$s!"),
   * A file shall be listed in the \"/META-INF/manifest.xml\" file as it exists in the ODF package.
      "The file '%2$s' shall be listed in the '"
          + OdfFile.MANIFEST.getPath()
          + "' file as it exists in the ODF package%1$s!"),
   * The ODF package contains a \"mediatype\" file, which content differs from the mediatype of the
   * root document!"
      "The ODF package%1$s contains a '"
          + OdfFile.MEDIA_TYPE.getPath()
          + "' file containing '%2$s', which differs from the mediatype of the root document '%3$s'!"),
   * The ODF package contains a \"mediatype\" file, but no mediatype its root document in the
   * \"/META-INF/manifest.xml\" file of ODF package!
      "The ODF package%1$s contains a '"
          + OdfFile.MEDIA_TYPE.getPath()
          + "' file containing '%2$s', but no mediatype for its root document in its '"
          + OdfFile.MANIFEST.getPath()
          + "'!"),
   * The root document shall be listed in the \"/META-INF/manifest.xml\" file using a '/' as path
   * within the ODF package.
      "The root document shall be listed in the '"
          + OdfFile.MANIFEST.getPath()
          + "' file using a '/' as path within the ODF package%1$s!"),
  /** There shall be no extra field for the \"mediatype\" file of ODF package. */
      "There shall be no extra field for the '"
          + OdfFile.MEDIA_TYPE.getPath()
          + "' file of ODF package%1$s!"),
  /** The file \"mediatype\" shall not be compressed in the ODF package. */
      "The file '"
          + OdfFile.MEDIA_TYPE.getPath()
          + "' shall not be compressed in the ODF package%1$s!"),
  /** The file \"mediatype\" is not the first file in the ODF package. */
      "The file '"
          + OdfFile.MEDIA_TYPE.getPath()
          + "' is not the first file in the ODF package%1$s!"),
  /** The ODF package contains no \"mediatype\" file. */
      "The ODF package%1$s contains no '" + OdfFile.MEDIA_TYPE.getPath() + "' file!"),
  /** The ODF package shall be a ZIP file. */
  PACKAGE_IS_NO_ZIP("The ODF package%1$s shall be a ZIP file!");
  private final String mMessage;

   * Creates a ODF Package constraint
   * @param message of the constraint
  OdfPackageConstraint(String message) {
    mMessage = message;

   * Creates a localized description of a Constraint. Subclasses may override this method in order
   * to produce a locale-specific message. For subclasses that do not override this method, the
   * default implementation returns the same result as <code>getMessage()</code>.
   * @return The localized description of this constraint.
  public String getLocalizedMessage() {
    //    =============================
    //    There should be a property files e.g. OdfPackageConstraint_de_DE.properties Sourcecode:
    //    PACKAGE_IS_NO_ZIP=%s muss eine ZIP Datei sein, wie in [ZIP] definiert. Alle Dateien
    // innerhalbe des ZIPS muessen entwder unkomprimiert (STORED) oder komprimiert sein (DEFLATED)
    // und den DEFLATE aloritmus verwenden.
    //    ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(OdfPackageConstraint.class.getName());
    //    return bundle.getString(this.name());
    return mMessage;

   * Returns the detail message string of this Constraint.
   * @return the detail message string of this <tt>Constraint</tt> instance (which may be
   *     <tt>null</tt>).
  public String getMessage() {
    return mMessage;