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package org.odftoolkit.odfdom.doc.table;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.doc.OdfDocument;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.doc.OdfSpreadsheetDocument;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.OdfDocumentNamespace;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.attribute.office.OfficeValueTypeAttribute;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.table.TableCoveredTableCellElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.table.TableNamedExpressionsElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.table.TableNamedRangeElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.table.TableTableCellElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.OdfElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.OdfFileDom;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.OdfName;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.OdfXMLFactory;

 * OdfTableCellRange represent a rang of cells that are adjacent with each other
 * <p>OdfTableCellRange provides methods to get/set/modify the properties of cell range.
public class OdfTableCellRange {

  private int mnStartRow;
  private int mnStartColumn;
  private int mnEndRow;
  private int mnEndColumn;
  private String msCellRangeName;
  private OdfTable maOwnerTable;
  private boolean mbSpreadsheet;

   * Construct the instance of OdfTableCellRange.
   * @param table is the container table of this cell range.
   * @param startColumn is the column index of the first cell in this cell range.
   * @param startRow is the row index of the first cell in this cell range.
   * @param endColumn is the column index of the last cell in this cell range.
   * @param endRow is the row index of the last cell in this cell range.
  OdfTableCellRange(OdfTable table, int startColumn, int startRow, int endColumn, int endRow) {
    maOwnerTable = table;

    OdfDocument doc =
        (OdfDocument) ((OdfFileDom) maOwnerTable.getOdfElement().getOwnerDocument()).getDocument();
    if (doc instanceof OdfSpreadsheetDocument) {
      mbSpreadsheet = true;

    // the first cell is the covered cell, then the cell range should be enlarged
    // so that it can contains the complete cell
    // get the cell cover info
    mnStartColumn = startColumn;
    mnStartRow = startRow;
    mnEndColumn = endColumn;
    mnEndRow = endRow;
    List<CellCoverInfo> coverList =
            0, 0, maOwnerTable.getColumnCount() - 1, maOwnerTable.getRowCount() - 1);
    OdfTableCell cell; // = maOwnerTable.getOwnerCellByPosition(coverList, nStartColumn, nStartRow);
    for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
      cell = maOwnerTable.getOwnerCellByPosition(coverList, i, startRow);
      int rowIndex = cell.getRowIndex();
      int colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
      mnStartColumn = Math.min(mnStartColumn, colIndex);
      mnStartRow = Math.min(mnStartRow, rowIndex);
      mnEndColumn = Math.max(mnEndColumn, colIndex + cell.getColumnSpannedNumber() - 1);
      mnEndRow = Math.max(mnEndRow, rowIndex + cell.getRowSpannedNumber() - 1);

    for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
      cell = maOwnerTable.getOwnerCellByPosition(coverList, i, endRow);
      int rowIndex = cell.getRowIndex();
      int colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
      mnStartColumn = Math.min(mnStartColumn, colIndex);
      mnStartRow = Math.min(mnStartRow, rowIndex);
      mnEndColumn = Math.max(mnEndColumn, colIndex + cell.getColumnSpannedNumber() - 1);
      mnEndRow = Math.max(mnEndRow, rowIndex + cell.getRowSpannedNumber() - 1);

    for (int i = startRow + 1; i < endRow; i++) {
      cell = maOwnerTable.getOwnerCellByPosition(coverList, startColumn, i);
      int rowIndex = cell.getRowIndex();
      int colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
      mnStartColumn = Math.min(mnStartColumn, colIndex);
      mnStartRow = Math.min(mnStartRow, rowIndex);
      mnEndColumn = Math.max(mnEndColumn, colIndex + cell.getColumnSpannedNumber() - 1);
      mnEndRow = Math.max(mnEndRow, rowIndex + cell.getRowSpannedNumber() - 1);

    for (int i = startRow + 1; i < endRow; i++) {
      cell = maOwnerTable.getOwnerCellByPosition(coverList, endColumn, i);
      int rowIndex = cell.getRowIndex();
      int colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
      mnStartColumn = Math.min(mnStartColumn, colIndex);
      mnStartRow = Math.min(mnStartRow, rowIndex);
      mnEndColumn = Math.max(mnEndColumn, colIndex + cell.getColumnSpannedNumber() - 1);
      mnEndRow = Math.max(mnEndRow, rowIndex + cell.getRowSpannedNumber() - 1);

  /** construct the empty cellRange */
  OdfTableCellRange() {}

  /** Merge the current cell range to one cell */
  public void merge() {
    OdfTableCell firstCell = maOwnerTable.getCellByPosition(mnStartColumn, mnStartRow);

    // note: after merge, the cell row/column count might  be changed
    int rowCount = maOwnerTable.getRowCount();
    int colCount = maOwnerTable.getColumnCount();
    // if the cell range is the whole table, then merge it to a big cell
    // as to the spreadsheet document, it should still keep the original cell count,
    // rather than merge to a big cell.
    if (rowCount == (mnEndRow - mnStartRow + 1)
        && colCount == (mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn + 1)
        && !mbSpreadsheet) {
      if (firstCell.getOdfElement() instanceof TableTableCellElement) {
        TableTableCellElement firstCellElement =
            (TableTableCellElement) (firstCell.getOdfElement());
            OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE.getUri(), "number-columns-spanned");
            OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE.getUri(), "number-rows-spanned");
      // just copy the text of the other cells to this first cell
      for (int i = mnStartRow; i < mnEndRow + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = mnStartColumn; j < mnEndColumn + 1; j++) {
          OdfTableCell cellBase = maOwnerTable.getCellByPosition(j, i);
          if (j != mnStartColumn || i != mnStartRow) {
            // copy the content of this cell to the first cell
      maOwnerTable.removeRowsByIndex(1, maOwnerTable.getRowCount() - 1);
      maOwnerTable.removeColumnsByIndex(1, maOwnerTable.getColumnCount() - 1);
      OdfTableColumn firstColumn = maOwnerTable.getColumnByIndex(0);
      mnEndRow = mnStartRow;
      mnEndColumn = mnStartColumn;
    } // if the cell range covered all the table row, and the merged column > 1
    // the merged column can be removed
    else if (rowCount == (mnEndRow - mnStartRow + 1)
        && colCount > (mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn + 1)
        && (mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn) > 0) {
      // the first cell, set the span attribute
      if (firstCell.getOdfElement() instanceof TableTableCellElement) {
        TableTableCellElement firstCellElement =
            (TableTableCellElement) (firstCell.getOdfElement());
            OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE.getUri(), "number-columns-spanned");
            Integer.valueOf(mnEndRow - mnStartRow + 1));
      // the other cell, copy the content to first cell
      // if it is also in the first column of the cell range, set to the covered cell
      // other cell not in the first column will be removed when remove the column
      for (int i = mnStartRow; i < mnEndRow + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = mnStartColumn; j < mnEndColumn + 1; j++) {
          OdfTableCell cellBase = maOwnerTable.getCellByPosition(j, i);
          if (j != mnStartColumn || i != mnStartRow) {
            // append content to first cell
            // change the cell in the first column of cell range to covered cell
            if ((j == mnStartColumn)
                && (cellBase.getOdfElement() instanceof TableTableCellElement)) {
              // change the normal cell to be the covered cell
              TableTableCellElement firstColumnCell =
                  (TableTableCellElement) cellBase.getOdfElement();
              TableCoveredTableCellElement coveredCell =
                          (OdfFileDom) firstColumnCell.getOwnerDocument(),
                          OdfName.newName(OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE, "covered-table-cell"));
              OdfTableRow parentRow = cellBase.getTableRow();
              parentRow.getOdfElement().insertBefore(coveredCell, firstColumnCell);
      List<Long> widthList = getCellRangeWidthList();
      long nCellRangeWidth =
          widthList.get(widthList.size() - 1).longValue() - widthList.get(0).longValue();
      maOwnerTable.removeColumnsByIndex(mnStartColumn + 1, mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn);
      OdfTableColumn firstColumn = maOwnerTable.getColumnByIndex(mnStartColumn);
      mnEndColumn = mnStartColumn;
    } // if the cell range covered all the table column, the merged row can be removed
    else if (rowCount > (mnEndRow - mnStartRow + 1)
        && colCount == (mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn + 1)
        && (mnEndRow - mnStartRow) > 0) {
      // the first cell, set the span attribute
      if (firstCell.getOdfElement() instanceof TableTableCellElement) {
        TableTableCellElement firstCellElement =
            (TableTableCellElement) (firstCell.getOdfElement());
            OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE.getUri(), "number-rows-spanned");
            Integer.valueOf(mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn + 1));
      // the other cell, copy the content to first cell
      // if it is also in the first row of the cell range, set to the covered cell
      // other cell not in the first row will be removed when remove the row
      for (int i = mnStartRow; i < mnEndRow + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = mnStartColumn; j < mnEndColumn + 1; j++) {
          OdfTableCell cellBase = maOwnerTable.getCellByPosition(j, i);
          if (j != mnStartColumn || i != mnStartRow) {
            // append content to first cell
            // change the cell in the first row of cell range to covered cell
            if ((i == mnStartRow) && (cellBase.getOdfElement() instanceof TableTableCellElement)) {
              // change the normal cell to be the covered cell
              TableTableCellElement firstRowCell = (TableTableCellElement) cellBase.getOdfElement();
              TableCoveredTableCellElement coveredCell =
                          (OdfFileDom) firstRowCell.getOwnerDocument(),
                          OdfName.newName(OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE, "covered-table-cell"));
              OdfTableRow parentRow = cellBase.getTableRow();
              parentRow.getOdfElement().insertBefore(coveredCell, firstRowCell);
      maOwnerTable.removeRowsByIndex(mnStartRow + 1, mnEndRow - mnStartRow);
      mnEndRow = mnStartRow;
    } // don't remove any row/column
    else {
      // first keep the column and row count in this cell range
      // the first cell, set the span attribute
      if (firstCell.getOdfElement() instanceof TableTableCellElement) {
        TableTableCellElement firstCellElement =
            (TableTableCellElement) (firstCell.getOdfElement());
            Integer.valueOf(mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn + 1));
            Integer.valueOf(mnEndRow - mnStartRow + 1));
      // the other cell, set to the covered cell
      for (int i = mnStartRow; i < mnEndRow + 1; i++) {
        for (int j = mnStartColumn; j < mnEndColumn + 1; j++) {
          OdfTableCell cellBase = maOwnerTable.getCellByPosition(j, i);
          if (j != mnStartColumn || i != mnStartRow) {
            if (cellBase.getOdfElement() instanceof TableTableCellElement) {
              // change the normal cell to be the covered cell
              TableTableCellElement cell = (TableTableCellElement) cellBase.getOdfElement();
              TableCoveredTableCellElement coveredCell =
                          (OdfFileDom) cell.getOwnerDocument(),
                          OdfName.newName(OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE, "covered-table-cell"));

              OdfTableRow parentRow = cellBase.getTableRow();
              parentRow.getOdfElement().insertBefore(coveredCell, cell);
              // copy the content of this cell to the first cell
              // set the table column repeated attribute
              int repeatedNum = cell.getTableNumberColumnsRepeatedAttribute().intValue();
              int num = (mnEndColumn - j + 1) - repeatedNum;
              if (num >= 0) {
              } else {
                    new Integer(mnEndColumn - j + 1));

            } else if (cellBase.getOdfElement() instanceof TableCoveredTableCellElement) {
              try {
                // copy the content of this cell to the first cell
              } catch (Exception e) {
                    .log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);

  // vector store the x coordinate of each column which reference to the left start point of owner
  // table
  // the returned value is all measured with "mm" unit
  private List<Long> getCellRangeWidthList() {
    List<Long> list = new ArrayList<Long>();
    Long length = Long.valueOf(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < maOwnerTable.getColumnCount() - 1; i++) {
      OdfTableColumn col = maOwnerTable.getColumnByIndex(i);
      int repeateNum = col.getColumnsRepeatedNumber();
      if (repeateNum == 1) {
        if (isColumnInCellRange(i)) {
        length = Long.valueOf(length.longValue() + col.getWidth());
      } else {
        for (int j = 0; j < repeateNum; j++) {
          if (isColumnInCellRange(i + j)) {
            length = Long.valueOf(length.longValue() + col.getWidth());
        i += repeateNum - 1;
    // x coordinate of last column right point
    return list;

  // vector store the x coordinate of each will split column start point
  List<Long> getVeticalSplitCellRangeWidthList(int splitNum) {
    // get each cell in the cell range(the cell here means the real cell, not the covered cell)
    List<CellCoverInfo> coverList =
        maOwnerTable.getCellCoverInfos(mnStartColumn, mnStartRow, mnEndColumn, mnEndRow);
    // then get the real(uncovered) cell x coordinate
    List<Long> tmpList = new ArrayList<Long>();
    List<Long> widthList = getCellRangeWidthList();
    for (int i = mnStartColumn; i < mnEndColumn + 1; i++) {
      for (int j = mnStartRow; j < mnEndRow + 1; j++) {
        if (maOwnerTable.isCoveredCellInOwnerTable(coverList, i, j)) {
        } else {
          // the real cell, record the x coordinate of the left point
          Long width = widthList.get(i - mnStartColumn);
          if (!tmpList.contains(width)) {

    // last, reorder the tmpVector and split it to splitNum between each item
    Long[] widthArray = (Long[]) tmpList.toArray();
    List<Long> rtnValues = new ArrayList<Long>();
    Long colWidth;
    long unitWidth;
    for (int i = 1; i < widthArray.length; i++) {
      colWidth = Long.valueOf(widthArray[i].longValue() - widthArray[i - 1].longValue());
      unitWidth = colWidth.longValue() / splitNum;
      for (int j = 1; j < splitNum; j++) {
        long eachWidth = unitWidth * j + widthArray[i - 1].longValue();
    return rtnValues;

   * Get the name of the named cell range.
   * @return the name of the cell range
  public String getCellRangeName() {
    return msCellRangeName;

   * Set the name of the current cell range.
   * @param cellRangeName the name that need to set
  public void setCellRangeName(String cellRangeName) {
    try {
      OdfElement contentRoot = maOwnerTable.mDocument.getContentRoot();
      // create name range element
      OdfFileDom contentDom = ((OdfFileDom) maOwnerTable.getOdfElement().getOwnerDocument());
      TableNamedExpressionsElement nameExpress =
                  contentDom, OdfName.newName(OdfDocumentNamespace.TABLE, "named-expressions"));
      String startCellRange =
              + maOwnerTable.getTableName()
              + "."
              + maOwnerTable.getAbsoluteCellAddress(mnStartColumn, mnStartRow);
      String endCellRange =
              + maOwnerTable.getTableName()
              + "."
              + maOwnerTable.getAbsoluteCellAddress(mnEndColumn, mnEndRow);
      TableNamedRangeElement nameRange =
                  startCellRange + ":" + endCellRange, cellRangeName);
      msCellRangeName = cellRangeName;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      Logger.getLogger(OdfTableCellRange.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

   * Get the <code>OdfTable</code> instance who contains this cell range.
   * @return the table that contains the cell range.
  public OdfTable getTable() {
    return maOwnerTable;

   * Get the number of rows in this cell range.
   * @return rows number in the cell range
  public int getRowNumber() {
    return (mnEndRow - mnStartRow + 1);

   * Get the number of columns in this cell range.
   * @return columns number in the cell range
  public int getColumnNumber() {
    return (mnEndColumn - mnStartColumn + 1);

   * Returns a single cell that is positioned at specified column and row.
   * @param clmIndex the column index of the cell inside the range.
   * @param rowIndex the row index of the cell inside the range.
   * @return the cell at the specified position relative to the start position of the cell range
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the column/row index is bigger than the column/row count
  public OdfTableCell getCellByPosition(int clmIndex, int rowIndex)
      throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
    return maOwnerTable.getCellByPosition(mnStartColumn + clmIndex, mnStartRow + rowIndex);

   * Check if the given column in is this cell range.
   * @param colIndex the given column index
   * @return true if the given column index is in the current cell range
  private boolean isColumnInCellRange(int colIndex) {
    if (colIndex < mnStartColumn || colIndex > mnEndColumn) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

   * Returns a single cell that is positioned at specified cell address.
   * @param address the cell address of the cell inside the range.
   * @return the cell at the specified cell address relative to the start position of the cell range
  public OdfTableCell getCellByPosition(String address) {
    // if the address also contain the table name,  but the table is not the maOwnerTable
    // what should do? get the table then getcellByPosition?
    return getCellByPosition(