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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description CardinalityEdifact This enum describes the Cardinality type being used in EN16931-3-4CardinalitySemantic This enum describes the CardinalitySemantic type being used in EN16931, which is the same as for XML, but has it is own class for its statistic.CardinalityXml This enum describes the CardinalityXML type being used in EN16931FinancialAccuracy JarFunctionality Provides functionality by calling the JAR file.MisMatch Mismatch on either semantic, structure or cardinality level.MisMatchCardinality This enum defines the mismatch between cardinalities.MisMatchDatatype This enum defines the mismatch between of semantic.MisMatchSemantic This enum defines the mismatch between of semantic.MisMatchStructural This enum defines the mismatch between of semantic.NodeEdifact Represents an XML syntax nodeNodeSemantic Represents either a Business Group (BG) or Business Term (BT) from the eInvoice EN16931 specification.NodeSemantic.SemanticHeading This enum contains all table header row label of the semantic objectNodeSyntax Represents a syntax node representing the Semantic in the file format.NodeSyntax.SyntaxHeading This enum contains all table header row label of all syntaxNodeUblXml Represents an UBL XML syntax node using special UBL data types.NodeXml Represents an XML syntax nodeNumberAwareStringComparator OdtTableExtraction SemanticDataType This enum contains all possible data types of the semantic part of the table within the EN 16931 specification.SyntaxType This enum describes CII XML & EDIFACT syntax types as used in the syntax binding tables.Type Abstraction of Type enumerationsTypeStatistic This class creates a statistic from the counting of the types during an extraction run, e.g. test.UblDataType This enum contains all 10 data types of the UBL 3-2 part within the EN 16931 specification.